Happy New Year, Stylistas!
Today, of course marks that beginning of 2017 and it is also the 1st birthday of Stylish Paradox! 2016 was a year of many mountains and valleys in my personal and business life, but I’m here to tell you that you should never question God’s purpose for your life!
My journey to beginning an image consulting business was an interesting one. I give lots of credit to my awesome sister friends and family (you know who you are!) who pushed and encouraged me. They saw the natural talent I possessed, but even I questioned my abilities. I questioned the validity of my passion, while others I loved did too. Was it too shallow, a promotion of vanity, would God approve?
As I moved along from month to month, there were barriers and crisis moments that I felt were sure to halt any progress I was making. But every time, and I mean every time I came close to giving up, God showed up! I mean, really showed up!
There was that one day, when I was on the verge of throwing in the towel and I checked my email to find an ask from a brand to collaborate with them. The day after that, I received another email from another brand! This business was totally unsolicited, nor was it ever expected. Since this time, I have been approached by others with monetary benefit!
There was also another incident which was solid validation to me that empowering women is the mission of Stylish Paradox.
I walked into my local 7-11 store, and the store clerk (who I see daily), said to me, “You look so nice today and I want you to know that I notice how you are dressed and carry yourself everyday and you are an inspiration for women.” I thanked her profusely. But when I got to my vehicle I couldn’t help but tear up, because this let me know that God is with me and that should be enough for me!
In a nutshell, “NEVER QUESTION GOD’S PURPOSE FOR YOUR LIFE.” No matter how trivial you may think your passion is. Pray on it, ask God for guidance and he’ll direct your path! In the end, your journey may take you to heights you never imagined.
And so, the journey of 2017 begins! Again, thank you for taking the ride with me and I hope you will continue. I appreciate you! 2016 was truly the year of extra. And as my pastor said last year in preparation for 2016, “Think Big”. And so it is.

Peace and blessings.
Love y’all!