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Soul Sisters and The Power of Friendship –

Hey Stylistas! In this new age of the Coronavirus, I’ll admit that not only am I leaning on the arms of the Lord, I’m also leaning onto my Soul Sisters. This is the power of friendship.

I can’t say how blessed I am to have an amazing group called my people, i.e., sister friends, road dawgs, day ones, BFFs OG BFFs, tribe, squad, friendship soulmates and the like.

Since we’ve been on lock down, I’ve longed for a closeness with these Queens that I may not have even enjoyed over the recent years.

Pre-coronavirus, I may have seen some of these women once or twice a year. But make no mistake that when we’re in a room or Zoom together, it’s like we never missed a beat.

In a matter of months, I’ve revamped our long lost book club and my high school squad bestie, initiated a girl’s night out (but in), that will be in regular rotation. Old friendships have been renewed, new friendships strengthened and I think I’ve checked on everybody I know (well, most of them)! And, it feels sooooo good.

I pray that I continue with this momentum well after we return to a new normal. Although this period is uncertain and can produce anxiety, one bright light in all of this madness is that we all have connected and reconnected to those who matter most to us in this life! And for this, I AM GRATEFUL!

I love y’all so much!

Until next time, love and light!



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