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10 Things You Don’t Know About Me. The Good, the Bad and the Real Ugly.

Lovelies! I can’t believe it’s almost been three years since I began my business and blogging journey.  For those new and old here, I want to share 10 things you don’t know about me.  The Good, the Bad and the Real Ugly.

So hold on tight, because some of it ain’t pretty.

  1. I am the biological mother of 2, bonus mom to 4. My biological and bonus children are all grown and range from the ages of 24 to 44. I am also the Gigi to 2 little girls, ages 2 and 4. Yes, the Hubbs and I are empty nesters. My youngest granddaughter is the sole survivor of a triplet birth.

  2. I’ve been married twice (obvi!) Kevin (The Hubbs) and I have been together for 14 years and he is the love of my life. I was married the first time for 16 years.

  3. My biggest fear in life is leaving this earth without living my life to my fullest. I’m still working on this, so I have a lot of life to live, cities/countries to visit, and big dreams to fulfill! With God, it’s all possible!

  4. I’m a hopeless romantic, who just happens to love the color red and heart shaped whatever. My very first car was a red Volkswagen Rabbit, my high school prom dress and bridesmaid’s dresses were red, and my bedroom accents as a teen were red! My favorite movie is Love Jones.

  5. As a young adult, I wanted to be a fashion buyer and attended fashion school for a short stint. This never materialized because I dropped out, got married and became immersed in raising children. But, apparently my purpose was destined to end up in the style/fashion industry, because now I am a buyer of sorts. I can shop all day. NO JOKE.

  6. I was a victim of sexual assault. I was lured into a wash house by a trusted neighbor at 4 years old. He was at least 15 years older then me. He asked me if I wanted candy. I say that because molesters actually use that line, and it worked on me. But I was a baby! At 13, I was assaulted by a stranger from behind as I walked to my bus stop for school. I was actually paralyzed with fear and the guy literally walked me past my house through the alley to the house where he brutally assaulted and held me for four hours in an abandoned house on the same block in which I lived. My parents assumed I was at school. This changed my life forever – – in so many ways. Thank God for the support of my family and a crisis counselor. So many women don’t recover from assaults such as these. I am a survivor. #metoo

  7. I love my circle of girlfriends. They are diverse as people, of all ages, more like sisters and are some of my biggest cheerleaders. They are all very intelligent and we all have special connections. I am definitely a woman’s woman. But, I am not a feminist. I empower women and they empower me.

  8. I love to people watch. Just give me a great meal at a great restaurant on a trendy boulevard in my city and I’m good. I think of it almost like watching a good movie. Humans, lol.

  9. I was born the youngest of six children. If you look up the words “daddy’s girl” in the dictionary, you’d find my picture! I loved my Daddy! Love him forever. RIP. Also, ironically 4 of my best friends are the youngest in birth order in their families. 2 of them of had 3 brothers and three sisters, just like me!

  10. I’m 5’6, but most people think I am taller because I wear high heeled shoes most of the time. I started wearing heels at age 12, when I begged my mother to buy me small platforms from a store called Montgomery Ward. She told me not to wear them to school, but I snuck a pair in my backpack and broke the strap while playing hopscotch. I was in BIG trouble.

  11. BONUS: When I fly (I hate flying, but I do it anyway), or have something scary or important to accomplish, I carry or wear a necklace that my sister Donna made for me. My sister Donna was the closest sibling to me in age (3 years). She passed away at age 37 from breast cancer in 1999. She, myself and my cousin Champ were inseparable growing up. Always together; laughing and fighting! Memories were made that will be forever treasured and never forgotten.

Thank you to everyone who has continued to read my blog and stick by me through my dry periods. You know, life happens, and I can be uninspired easily sometimes! Just keeping it 100!  And thanks to those new to Stylish Paradox, I hope you enjoy the style, inspiration and transparency!

Because we know life isn’t a bed of roses!  There’s thorns thrown in, too.

Until next time.

I love all of you.



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