Hey Stylistas!
It's been approximately 5 months since I posted anything. And today is a good time as any to begin reposting. Let me tell you about my test that has become my testimony.

If you don't follow me on any other social platforms, you probably don't know that I had brain surgery in January of this year. And a week prior to the surgery, I was given a (botched) angiogram procedure which caused me to have facial paralysis. I later found out by another neurosurgeon that the procedure wasn't needed and that the brain surgery, which was prompted by a mass (benign meningioma) wasn't needed at the time and could of been monitored. I was literally told I was used as a "cash cow".
To say the least, it's definitely been an eye opening year for me (no pun intended) and with all that has happened...let me rephrase...despite what has happened, I am better in so many ways:
1. Physically. I take much better care of myself by really, really eating clean. By exercising. It's not something I'm doing for a brief period. This is now a LIFESTYLE.
2. Spiritually. I've bonded with THE MOST HIGH even more. His grace and mercy surround me. Let me tell you, when I went into that surgery I didn't know if I'd come out alive. And I'm here. I'm still here. I'm surrounded by loving friends who support me, pray with me, cry with me.
3. Mentally. I began mental health therapy prior to this health issue situation to work on the things that have caused me trauma throughout my life and just to become accountable to myself and to others, while continuing to work on bettering myself. Since the beginning of the year, having therapy sessions is a practice I'll never stop.
Let me also say, that my love of style is still here. My posts will still relate to style. I now focus on style/fashion & faith, while taking it up a whole lot of notches telling others about my relationship and the goodness of God, and what HE means to me.
Also, as a result of the debacle that happened to me, it has awoken in me the importance of letting others know about the health inequities that people of all races encounter. I am truly in prayer about my next steps as I am catapulted into my true purpose.
Yes, my life has been altered forever.
Bone has been removed from my skull, which now is dented in. My smile (however being in a drastically better state now), could be dubbed by others who have and/or are experiencing facial paralysis as being "wonky". My left eye is extremely dry, needs eye drops throughout the day, droops and needs to be taped shut at night. Without proper care, the worst case I've been told is blindness could occur.

April 2022 (3 months after procedure/surgery)
Let me make this clear, that despite what I was told - - and this is what I told my new neuro when he talked about my facial paralysis, "I'm a praying woman!"
There is so much I could share with you in this post, but I'll share more in the posts to come. But let me say this lastly.
One day, after I found out about not needing the procedure or surgery, I was in a really dark place. I mean DARK. So, I reached out to two friends (a new friend, who had the same type of mass and facial paralysis and another who experienced a life threatening disease) who are Sheros/Warriors in my estimation.
Both ladies don't know each other, or ever talked before these two separate conversations with me on this same day. As they encouraged me, listened to me cry and comforted me during these convos - - they both said the same phrase to me on this day...God makes Beauty From Ashes. This was true confirmation that all of what I have been going through is for a purpose.
Isaiah 61:3 “…to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair”.
ME - July 7, 2022
With that said, I'm out. I love y'all!
Until next time,