Happy Thursday, Stylistas!
Do you ever find yourself apprehensive about making a change in your work life, family life, love life or style life? As creatures of habit, we tend to be slow to make changes if it makes us even a little uneasy. And as we age, it seems like it is even harder!
At 52 years old, I still shop at Forever 21. Don’t judge me. #teamyouthfulspiritforever

Some of us are stuck on the name “Forever 21”, but trust, there are a lot of hidden gems in that store.
Stylistas, here are a few tips to help you step out of your style comfort zone:
Purchase clothes from a new retailer.
Consider another point of view (i.e., hire a stylist).
Purchase a colorful article of clothing, that you never would have worn in the past.
Don’t let your age limit you. Just keep in mind that your goal is not to look like a teenager.
I hope you take these tips and apply them to your style life, if needed!

Until next time, love and light!
Rust Duster similar here – Forever 21 // Brown Tee similar here – Targetstyle // Graphic Print Bell Bottoms similar here Forever 21 // Fringly Sandals – Steve Madden // Medallion Necklace similar here – NY and Company // Sunnies similar here – Old // Images by – Gervel Sampson Photography